Set yourself up for 10,000 tomorrows.
It's OK to start small and still dream big
Sure, saving money can be hard. So maybe start with just a few dollars. Then add a few more. Let your bottom line grow and your imagination wander. Before long, you'll have dozens of ideas for using all that cash to make your future brighter, your family happier and everyone's life a little easier.

Kasasa Saver is a free account that simplifies saving and earns a high rate of return. It links to your free Kasasa Cashor Kasasa Cash Back checking to build your savings automatically

Prime Savings
Yes, you can totally make that happen
Buy a bigger house or a beautiful horse. Fix a leaky roof or a broken tooth. Take a fantastic family trip, throw a fancy wedding or gear up for your golden years. With a smart savings plan, you can take on life's challenges and enjoy its many pleasures.
- Earn interest on deposits of above $100
- Free Online and Mobile Banking
- Convenient electronic Bill Pay
- Access to a nationwide network of thousands of ATMs
- Avoid $5 quarterly service charge by keeping $100 minimum balance

Emerald Savings Money Market
Because more is definitely better
There are a million investment options. But some just aren't right for you. Here's one you can feel comfortable with: An account that earns generous interest without tying up your money over the long haul.
- Pays higher interest than traditional savings account
- Access your money easily through Online Banking, ATMs and First National Bank branches
- Track your balance with free Online and Mobile Banking
- No minimum deposit to earn interest
- Avoid $5 monthly services charge with $5,000 minimum balance

First Savings
Good things start right here
It's not kid stuff. Early on, young people should get into the habit of saving money. At FNB, we offer special accounts to help point them in the right direction.
- Young people age 21 and under are eligible
- Earn interest on deposits
- $0 minimum balance to earn interest
- No service charge
- Free Online and Mobile Banking
- Convenient access to nationwide network of thousands of ATMs