Prime the pump for future success.
Get ready for whatever comes next
Next quarter or next year. The next competitive challenge or can't-miss opportunity. The next wave of tech or generation of tools. When the future arrives with all its twists and turns, businesses with built-up cash reserves will have the best chance to come out ahead.

Prime Savings
Fill it up for maximum performance
Your checking account is the engine that keeps your daily operation running smoothly. Your savings account? That's where you store the extra fuel that provides a quick burst of financial power.
- Pays competitive interest with $100 minimum average balance
- Track balance and make deposits with Online and Mobile Banking
- Avoid $5 quarterly service charge with $100 average daily balance
- Free quarterly statements

Emerald Savings
Making money should always be this easy
Who's ready to hand your business a generous sum of cash with no strings attached? Not your clients, customers or competitors. But our Money Market offers surefire high yields no matter what the rest of the economy is doing.
- Higher interest rate than most traditional savings accounts
- Easily access funds through Online or Mobile Banking, ATMs or First National Bank offices
- Six free electronic withdrawals each statement period
- Avoid $5 monthly service charge with $5,000 minimum balance
- Free monthly statements